Questionarre Analysis

Questionarre Analysis.

1. How old are you?

From these results I can gather that this is clearly a young target audience as everyone is within the age boundary of 11-20. This is useful and important to know when it comes to not only the design of the work, but also what things you should be advertising and promoting. A younger audience is going to be more interested in technology and digitally accessible promotions. The tone and register towards a younger audience will also be a lot different to that of an older audience, following more of a rude, rebellious tone.  And in contrast to this an older audience is going to be more interested in an analytical, mature approach. They would also be more interested in tour dates for concerts, and most likely not festivals.

2. Do you play any instruments?

50% of this audience are clearly interested in music on the whole, as 50% said ‘yes’ they do play an instrument, however equally 50% do not play any instruments. So when again when it comes to advertising, depending on which path you take, it would be equally favoured to offer some music to the audience such as some tab that comes free as a promotion for the cd.

3. If yes, what instrument(s) do you play?

strangely, when I asked what instrument(s) do you play, I received more results than said they played an instrument in the previous question. From the answers of this question I can tell that the audience ‘do’ now have more interest in music than I discovered from previous questions, clearly they are trying to trick me, but I’m clever and I don’t get tricked that easily.

 4. Do you own a smart phone?

100% of the results returned an answer of ‘yes’. I was expecting to find the majority of people to own a smart phone as they are becoming not only increasingly popular, but they are also becoming a lot more affordable. Leading brands such as apple sell their phones at a prices of around £300-£500, and not everyone is able to pay such large amounts of money for a phone. But other companies such as Samsung and Nokia offer smart phones with the same main functions such as a camera, internet access, messaging, emailing etc. at much lower and affordable costs, therefore it is more frequent to find people owning a smart phone.

5. What brand is your smart phone?

85% of the results returned an answer of Apple. When it comes to advertising, this audience would definitely be interested in the advertisement of an apple product as it is clearly the most popular brand amongst this audience.

6. If you own a smart phone, what do you use it for?

I purposely made this question a multiple choice question, as cross media convergence has allowed us to complete many tasks on our phones, such as photography, accessing the internet, emailing recording videos as well as texting and making calls. The results were clear that cross media convergence has become important to many of this audience as photography, emailing, texting, social network and making videos all received the same amount of results.

7. Do you follow any dress styles?

As expected the results for this question returned the same as those of question 4, 50% answered ‘yes’ and 50% answered ‘no’. This suggests that there is a bit of individuality within the audience, not everyone wants to follow a dress style and ware what they want to ware and ware what they feel comfortable in. But it could also suggest that some people are more mainstream and don’t follow a style as they don’t really want to stand out from others.

8. If yes (to question 7) which style do you follow?

Strangely enough, everyone that answered the previous question answered this question, including an extra result. So despite 50% of the results not following any dress style, 100% still managed to answer this question…including an extra result that magically appeared from nowhere, suggesting they ‘do’ now follow a dress style. Anyway, from this I can depict which group/genre is the most popular amongst this audience, and as expected through previous analysis of other answers, rock is the most popular receiving nearly 43% of the results. So if I were to use this audience, I would be in luck as I am creating my work around the genre of rock. So I know I would have nearly half the target audience interested in my advert, cd etc.

9. Are you interested in gaming?

From the results of this question I can gather that this target audience are not interested in gaming as 83% of the results returned ‘no’. Again this was unexpected as I already know from later questions that this target audience is of a young age, and gaming in young modern culture is very popular. So if I were targeting at this audience I could easily rule out any promotions or advertisement for gaming as I know they are not interested.

10. Have you ever purchased a CD after seeing an advert for it?

I was quite shock to discover that nearly 67% of the votes returned as ‘no’. This is because, the main purpose of an advert is to inform people of an artist new album and therefore show it off and try to persuade the audience into buying it. And clearly, from my results, it’s safe to assume that the adverts are not succeeding in their one goal, which is to entice potential buyers.

11. How do you get hold of your music?

I was surprised when I viewed the results of this question. YouTube scored the highest with 33% of the results and ITunes scored only 25% of the results. I would have thought that ITunes would score highest as apple is such a popular and trusted brand, that people would be more inclined to purchase their music through ITunes. But from the results it’s clear that more people are not willing to pay for their music at all. YouTube is a free service that provides millions of videos; therefore it is possible to view nearly any video you want with no cost. It is also possible to download music from YouTube through YouTube to mp3 converters; however this is not a legal process. And joint with ITunes on 25% of the votes went to downloading from the internet. This was expected to have a reasonably high response, because as technology has developed and progressed it has become more and more easy to download music illegally.

12. In a music video what would you rather see?

(live band performance with good narrative, good narrative, live band performance, purely based around the artist)

The results from this question do follow the common theme of a rock based audience. 83% of the votes went to live band performance with good narrative. This suggests that the audience like to see their bands performing live as well as having an artistic touch to the video.

13. What would you rather see on an album cover?

50% of the votes went to an abstract/artistic cover, this suggests to me that the audience are quite an artistic audience. It also suggests that the audience is most likely interested in some form of rock, maybe alternative or indie rock, this is because these are quite artistic genres and have rather artistic dress sense. Therefore if I were to advertise a certain clothing brand then I can use this information to help chose which brands I would advertise. 37% of the votes answered artist. This does not necessarily suggest that this 37% are more interested in the pop/RnB side of music, but as a first assumption, I would assume that this is the case. This is because a lot of pop/RnB artist do base themselves heavily on their image and the majority of their album have a glamorised image of themselves on the cover.

14. Do you find it useful when tour/gig dates are present on an advert?

100% of the results from this question responded yes. In a way this was quite surprising as not everyone has the opportunity to see their favourite bands live for various reasons, therefore information like this would be irrelevant. But what it does suggest is that audiences are clearly interested in following their bands, so even if they are not able to see them live, they still like to be informed of the bands current activity, and talk about it with friends. So obviously incorporating information like this would be a beneficial as it is what audiences want to read.

15. Do promotions influence you into buying a media product?

Again I wasn’t surprised to discover that people are more inclined to buy a media product if there is a promotion available. This is what promotions are designed and used for, to entice a buyer, and with 6 votes answering ‘yes’ to 1 vote answering ‘no’, clearly they fulfil their requirements.

16. What promotion would you prefer?

Unsurprisingly the most popular answer, archiving 57% of the votes was a free digital download. This is because in the modern age physical media is a lot less popular when compared to a digital form of media. This is most likely due to the increasing popularity of product such as smart phones, laptops, computers and tablets. The least popular answer, scoring only 14% of the votes was a free poster. This is most likely due to similar reasons, such as being able to download images and save them to a device such as your phone or tablet. So having a physical form of that media, to some people, may seem like a waste of space. However amongst certain target audiences, physical media such as posters, CDs, vinyl’s are becoming increasingly popular, such as ‘indie/alternative’ audiences. These audiences like to represent there personality’s and social groups through things such as photos and posters, decorating their walls as a representation of themselves and the music they like to listen to.